PHP backend developer

Megjelenés dátuma: 2022. március 07.

Kövess minket!

Az álláshirdetés lejárt.
Azonosító: 10547 Helyszín: Budapest Munkakör: PHP fejlesztő

We are looking for a PHP developer for our Belgian partner to build high-quality software that can easily scale. The key motif is improving our organizational backend skills on our websites and internal services.

The job

  • The key motif is improving our organizational backend skills on our websites and
  • internal services. Your responsibility will be to design and implement the software architecture
  • and data storage required for the development of new features and refactoring of our services.


  • Efficient PHP skills, awareness of best practices, automated testing, CI/CD.
  • Solid experience in at least one PHP framework (we currently use Symfony).
  • Considerable experience about data modelling and SQL engine.
  • Git/Github
  • Fluency in English
  • +3years experience in PHP

A definite plus

  • Knowledge in Linux, Python, Docker and some dabblings into front-end

Our culture

  • More than just building products, we strive to create a community around an alternative
  • economic model. We want to spark the emergence of a unique tech ecosystem, empower
  • entrepreneurs around the world, and foster innovation in our market.
  • Although we are part of an international group, we are a small team of about 15 people in the
  • heart of Budapest working hard in a friendly office to achieve our – and our customers – goals.
  • Your seat is ready.

Jelentkezés CV feltöltéssel

Önéletrajzok *
(magyar és/vagy angol)

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