Data Engineer (DWH/BI, Cloud) Állás

Megjelenés dátuma: 2023. szeptember 22.

Kövess minket!

Az álláshirdetés lejárt.
Azonosító: 11919 Helyszín: Budapest Feladat: Data scientist, data engineer

We are seeking a talented Data Engineer (DWH/BI, Cloud) to join our team. If you are passionate about Data Engineering and possess the necessary skills and knowledge, we encourage you to apply. The position is based in Vienna, Austria, with the opportunity for remote work 4 days a week.


  • Creating, implementing and maintaining event-driven Big Data and event streaming architectures.
  • Creating data pipelines, working with various messaging systems (Kafka, Pub/Sub…), using SQL to create and query tables, and creating Spark streaming jobs.


  • Strong skills in data integration and data collection methods in combination of a variety of APIs (e.g. REST API or SOAP API).
  • Experience with public cloud services (preferably GCP) and service-oriented architectures
  • Proficiency in the following languages: Python, SQL, Java/Scala
  • Understanding of ETL/ELT infrastructures and cloud architectures
  • Experience with the Cloudera platform (Apache Airflow, Apache Kafka, NoSQL, Impala, Spark Streaming with Scala… or a comparable tool stack.
  • Experience with different file formats (orc, parquet, txt, Avro, JSON)
  • Agile (Scrum) experience
  • Excellent communicator at all levels
  • Proficiency in the English language

Nice to have

  • Passion for optimising the software development lifecycle to deliver solutions faster.
  • Strong problem solving and bug fixing skills
  • A team player with a strong sense of collaboration and personal development

Jelentkezés CV feltöltéssel

Önéletrajzok *
(magyar és/vagy angol)

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