Fullstack developer

Megjelenés dátuma: 2021. augusztus 30.

Kövess minket!

Az álláshirdetés lejárt.
Azonosító: 9754 Helyszín: Budapest Feladat: Full stack fejlesztés

The ideal candidate is a mid-level engineer who is abel to build a beautiful front-end experience in Angular and write an API spec to then brief into our wider microservice roadmap.


  • Build and continually improve a new retirement and financial planning platform and digital experience
  • Learn implementing solutions in the Cloud
  • Help prototype and implement a new digital products


  • Passionate about building quality software and scaling technology to meet the needs of tomorrow.
  • Working for minimum 2 years as front-end developer, and also have a deep functional understanding of APIs and algorithms. You are a firm believer of well-defined interfaces governed by standards such as Open API/Swagger.
  • Strongly skilled in web development practices, languages and libraries: HTML, JS, SCSS/SASS, jQuery and form factor based development. Experience in Angular front-end framework is a must.
  • Educated to degree level in Computer Science or have an equivalent practical experience.
  • A team player able to collaborate and foster a culture of co-creation.
  • Familiar with Cypress and front-end testing.
  • Experienced user of NgRx Store.
  • Excited about building software that serves a broad range of clients.
  • Comfortable streamlining the learning process and failing fast to focus on lessons learnt through experimentation.
  • Experienced in Component-based development.
  • An engineer who has delivered software on a major cloud platform or on a comparable on-prem infrastructure.


  • Some experience or a real interest in finance, investment or portfolio management processes
  • Experience working in an agile development team
  • Knowledge around CI/CD tools like Maven, Jenkins, 4D, SONAR, Azure Dev Ops

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(magyar és/vagy angol)

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Kalácska Róbert

Frontend fejlesztő

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