Freelancer Enviroment Manager/Coordinator

Megjelenés dátuma: 2021. július 21.

Kövess minket!

Az álláshirdetés lejárt.
Azonosító: 10063 Helyszín: Budapest Feladat: Egyéb

We are looking for an Environment Manager/Coordinator with heavy Microsoft Server and strong English knowledge.

Basic requirements

  • Ownership of the infrastructure supporting and network the milk / madcap application.
  • Definition of the required servers to operate the application, specify the network connectivity, ensure performance, maintainability, sustainability.
  • Coordination of the work between these various teams.
  • Participation in ARM when creating new server farms is required

In addition

  • Troubleshooting in case of functional issues.
  • Troubleshooting in case of performance issue.
  • Support for implementing new functionality: network connectivity to SMS providers, inside or outside Nestlé.
  • Coordinate development done by the markets using the API provided by Contec (application development provider)
  • Management of about 20 adm2 users used by the developers
  • Deployment, support, and troubleshooting of the mobile application (mostly android, legacy windows phones)

Technical skills

  • Windows server experience
  • Network awareness
  • Experience working with processes (tickets, ticket follow up, troubleshooting with network and infrastructure teams)
  • Application deployment on Android

Additional Information

  • Madcap Servers are supported by CATI, network environment is supported by network Alpha, the developer of the application is Contec.
  • Servers are located in the Wipro clouds in EUR and AOA
  • Network connectivity is either in Data center, or in Wipro data centers, and there is connectivity between them
  • The application is published to the public internet

Jelentkezés CV feltöltéssel

Önéletrajzok *
(magyar és/vagy angol)

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