Freelancer DevOps Engineer

Megjelenés dátuma: 2021. július 21.

Kövess minket!

Az álláshirdetés lejárt.
Azonosító: 9729 Helyszín: Budapest Feladat: DevOps

We are looking for a devops engineer with at least 3 years of relevant experience and experience in GO and cloud technologies (most of in Azure).


  • We make applications and technology platforms more resilient
  • We develop and operate state-of-the-art monitoring platforms to limit service disruption and help application and platform owners to drive down MRRT (meantime to resolution), to collect, analyze and visualize monitoring data to understand better their application and long term trends
  • We develop and maintain a set of Integration Services around IT Monitoring & Event Management Services and expose them to the application owners and developers via APIs
  • We provide an overview and powerful visualization of the status of the application and infrastructure landscapes to different stakeholders according to their information needs
  • We provide consultancy service in Monitoring to application/product/service owners and developers


  • You have experience in a modern language e.g. Golang, Java and in scripting languages (Shell, PowerShell, Python)
  • You provide solid platform knowledge in Linux and Windows and have experience with containers
  • You share the DevOps mindset and have experience with CI/CD
  • Open-source tools Selenium, Influx stack (TICK), elastic stack (ELK), Prometheus and Grafana
  • You have good understanding of different cloud platforms (IaaS,PaaS,SaaS) and cloud native ecosystems, such as Microsoft Azure
  • We expect excellent oral and written English skills additional language skills are a plus.

Jelentkezés CV feltöltéssel

Önéletrajzok *
(magyar és/vagy angol)

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